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Soliloquies 29.1 & 29.2

Soliloquies Anthology is currently seeking applicants for our 2024-25 Editorial Committee!

We are hiring for the following positions:

  • Graphic Designer

  • Poetry Editors

  • Prose Editors

  • Managing Editor

  • Social Media/Website Manager

  • Web Content Creators


           We are looking for driven and creative Concordia students who wish to gain experience in the publishing industry and give back to the literary environments of Concordia, Montreal, and Canada. Joining Soliloquies can build up your resume, provide invaluable networking opportunities, and enrich your university experience. These are all volunteer positions, between 5 and 15 hours per week. Find descriptions of the positions below.

            Soliloquies Anthology made a lot of changes to the submission process in the 2021/2022 school year in the hopes of highlighting more underrepresented writers. One of the most substantial changes we made was inviting submitters to disclose, if they felt comfortable, their intersectional identities. This allowed the team to ensure we were creating an accurately diverse portrait of the Concordia community.

            To further diversify literary spaces, we believe the next step is to welcome underrepresented writers into leadership positions such as our masthead. Therefore, we especially encourage applications from those who identify as Indigenous, Black, racialized, disabled, 2SLGBTQQIPAA+, those who are otherwise affected by structural inequality, such as immigrants, survivors of assault, and anyone subject to marginalization due to class, age, and/or current or former incarceration.


           In a similar fashion as our submission process, we invite applicants to disclose these identities in the cover letter if they feel comfortable. Including why you are interested in publishing, how past experience gave you the skills necessary to meet deadlines while juggling a busy school schedule, and your knowledge of our past issues are also encouraged in the cover letter.

            Please send your resume and cover letter to by midnight on June 29th, 2024.

The Positions

Graphic Designer

There is 1 graphic designer position open. The responsibilities of a graphic designers is as follows:

  • Create and follow layout/aesthetic for social media posts, which must be approved by co-editors-in-chief then sent to social media manager

  • Work with co-editors-in-chief and web manager on any possible artistic website changes

Soliloquies is looking for an individual who has experience with Canva and Photoshop and who can work to meet deadlines. You must be able to commit to 5-10 hours of work a week.

Poetry and Prose Editor

There are 4 prose editor positions and 4 poetry editor positions open. The responsibilities of a prose/poetry editor are as follows:

  • Reading over submissions each week and deciding whether or not the piece should be published in the magazine

  • Submitting decisions to managing editor each week by the decided deadline

  • Attending all required decision meetings where submissions will be selected for publication

  • Working one-on-one with authors to edit selected pieces for publication

Soliloquies is looking individuals who have experience in writing and editing, who can work in a fast-paced environment, and who can adapt to new developments (ex: deadlines, working around changing circumstances, publication errors, etc). During open submissions, you must be willing to commit to 5-10 hours of work a week.


Managing Editor

There is only 1 position open for managing editor. The responsibilities of the managing editor are as follows:

  • Compiling all submissions at the end of each week into word documents (one for poetry and one for prose )

  • Compiling all corresponding information for each submitted piece in a spreadsheet (author name, email address, location, title of each individual piece submitted, what each editor has said about each piece)

  • Editing and corresponding with online content creators to publish content once a week (on a set schedule)

  • Helping the editors in chief with facilitating the meetings to decide on what will be published

  • Messaging each person who submitted a rejection or an acceptance on Submittable

  • Attending all required magazine meetings

Soliloquies is looking for an individual who is well-organized, has leadership skills, and has functioning knowledge of spreadsheet and word-processing software.

Social Media/Website Manager

There is 1 social media/website manager position open. The responsibilities of a social media/website manager are as follows:

  • Post required content to Soliloquies social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

  • Stay active on all social media pages

  • Coordinate with web content creators to upload blog posts

  • Keep Soliloquies Website up to date

  • Work with graphic designer & co-editors-in-chief to make any visual changes to the Soliloquies website

Soliloquies is looking for an individual who can work quickly and meet deadlines and who has experience with social media and Wix (the platform that the Soliloquies website is on). You must be able to commit to 5 hours of work a week.


Web Content Creator

There are 4 web content creator positions open. The responsibilities of a web content creator are as follows:

  • Writing and submitting blog posts to be published on Soliloquies once a week (posting times will be divided amongst all 4 creators)

  • Coordinate with social media/website manager to post content on Soliloquies website at required times

Soliloquies is looking for individuals who are well-acquainted with the literary world, who have a strong writer’s voice, who have the ability to work quickly and meet deadlines and who have previous experience in writing and editing. You must be able to commit to 5 hours a week.

The deadline to apply for all positions is June 29th, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. Please forward a CV, cover letter, and any further questions about positions to Please note that this is a volunteer position.

We at Soliloquies are committed to uplifting the voices of those who have been, and continue to be, marginalized. That commitment must begin with our own staff. All are encouraged to apply!

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